I love being a girl so much. One of the things I love about being a girl is that it's perfectly acceptable (and normal, really) to comment on how good other girls look. Do guys do anything like that? Just a side thought. Anywho...
Today I was leaving the supermarket and as I was walking across the parking lot, I saw a woman walking across the lot the other way. I noticed that I really liked her dress and that it looked great on her. Then I was struck by a simple thought,
"She's really beautiful." I wanted to tell her how nice her dress looked but she was too far away by then. But I was a bit ashamed that I didn't say anything because it made me wonder if anyone else did or would tell her. How many girls spend their whole days looking and being lovely without being told so? Honestly, most of us probably do unless we have gentlemen to tell us so (and if those gentlemen ever come across this post, know that we appreciate you immensely). So I'm just giving you a friendly reminder that
you are beautiful and captivating and if he hasn't already found you, there's a perfect man looking for you. In the meantime, remember that God is telling you that
every single day! After all, He made you in His image so you look perfect! Think about that for a second. This isn't just a great guy telling you this. This is the creator of the world, the lord of lords, the king of kings, who can do absolutely anything He wants. And what did he do?
He created YOU so that He could hang out with you and tell you how much He adores you. Wow. Think about that when you wake up tomorrow and see how you spend your day then. And tell another girl! No matter who it comes from, being reminded that we're beautiful makes our day. Hope this helps :)
Okay, one more side note: Now you may tell yourself how much your jiggly thighs bother you and that's fine; so do I! There's nothing wrong with wanting to take care of your body. The important part is not to forget that you're already beautiful. A little maintenance is perfectly okay :)